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Foregående: Introduktion til side 9 Op: FAMØSmarts 1996 Næste: Litteratur

The NFEARS project.

Jens Hugger

The Density Method for the recovery and representation of Finite Element Meshes (Research supported by SNF (The Danish Natural Science Research Council) grant 11-9030).


The goals for the NFEARS project -- Providing computationally cheap finite element solutions, within a given tolerance from the exact solution to nonlinear, parameterized boundary value problems -- and the means to reach the goals, are described in detail. Also it is explained how one particular subgoal of the project has been realized. This subgoal was to construct a theory for finding near optimal finite element meshes for the given class of problems, and representing such meshes in a fashion suitable for the realization of the general NFEARS goals.

The NFEARS project


The NFEARS project was instigated in the mid 1980's. It has two major goals:

  1. To construct a theory that allows computationally cheap finite element solutions of nonlinear, parameterized boundary value problems; solutions that lie within a user given tolerance from the exact solution, when the error is measured in any of a number of predetermined norms.
  2. To construct a software package based on the theory, for the solution of the mentioned class of problems. The package must be adaptive in the sense that it automatically from non optimal user input constructs near optimal finite element meshes, giving finite element solutions as close to the exact solution as required, in the norm required, and as computationally cheap as possible.
Here and below an Optimal Finite Element Mesh for the problem considered, in some class of meshes, with respect to some norm, and for a given tolerance, is a mesh with the minimal number of elements in the subclass of the given class of meshes which gives a finite element solution with an error measured in the required norm which is less than (or equal to) the tolerance.

The nonlinear, parameterized boundary value problems make a highly relevant problem class: The reaction of physical systems, and mathematical and engineering models of such, to various external quantities like forces or radiation, is a basic problem in applied mathematics. The mathematical models of such problems are often nonlinear boundary value problems with parameters describing the external quantities. Normally interest is centered around stable systems. It must be certified that a given system remains stable, i.e. that the qualitative behavior does not change, within a pre specified range of the parameters. In some cases however the bifurcation points, where the stability properties of the system change, is the main interest. As an example consider the ``snap-through'' problem where a system goes from one stable state to a qualitatively very different stable or unstable state, as the result of a slight change of the applied forces. Generally this situation is unwanted but in special cases it may be useful. (Think about the small metal frogs that were part of the Japanese industrial miracle of the last half of the 20th century. They had build in small metal plates that when forced to snap-through made a sound somewhat related to that of a frog). For an introduction to the numerical analysis of parameterized nonlinear equations see [1]. For the mathematical theory of bifurcation theory a large amount of literature is available. See for example [2] and [3].

Since the introduction of undetermined parameters makes the problem under determined for numerical methods, parameterized problems are generally solved by separately considering a series of individual parameter or load cases. This obviously makes the numerical solution of parameterized problems a costly affair. On the other hand, the fact that the individual problems in the series of load cases are closely related, and the solutions generally qualitatively the same (except when bifurcation points are encountered), also opens up the possibility of reusing numerically obtained information to simplify the solution process: Assume that a finite element mesh could be described by a small number of real numbers, from here on called Mesh Description Parameters to distinguish them from the External Parameters describing the load case. Assume that there is the same number of mesh description parameters, and that they have the same physical significance for all meshes for a given parameterized problem. Assume further that a few load cases have been considered, say with external parameters on a straight line in the external parameter space, and that the optimal mesh description parameters have been found. Then it is obvious that a simple extrapolation could give a very good indication of the mesh description parameters and thus of the optimal mesh for a nearby load case on the same line in external parameter space. (See [4] for more details). Alternatively, since mesh modification is one of the most expensive parts of obtaining a finite element solution, assume that the mesh has been fixed, i.e. the mesh modification parameters have been held constant, for the previous few load cases. Then extrapolating the (estimated) error to the new load case will reveal whether the error tolerance will be broken by keeping the mesh for another step. These two possibilities would allow for the automatic, adaptive solution process described in algorithm 1 below. (Finer details such as stopping criteria, and how to behave if a bifurcation point or edge is passed, are omitted). In step 1 and 7 storage is provided for previous load cases. Apart from the external parameters defining the load case, we also store the estimated current error (but only for the previous load cases with the same current computational mesh, and the (near) optimal ideal mesh (which is cheap to compute, but expensive to implement). In step 2 and 6 the load case and the computational mesh is selected. If possible, the current mesh is kept from step to step. Only if the extrapolated error from the previous load cases becomes too large is an extrapolation of the ideal meshes of the previous load cases used. Step 3-5 constitutes the main solution loop. (Solve, estimate error, and compute ideal mesh).


Table: Algorithm for the adaptive solution of parameterized boundary value problems with the finite element method. 

Another anticipated situation is that, where during a sequence of solutions of ``less interesting cases,'' where the error tolerance is kept rather high, suddenly an interesting load case is found. It would be interesting in such a situation to be able to increase the precision by decreasing the tolerance, without having to start from scratch. This would be possible if the mesh description parameters were independent of the error tolerance. Then a separate parameter would be needed to take into account the error tolerance.

The two major theoretical chores of the NFEARS project is then

  1. Provide an A Posteriori Error Estimator for the global error in any of a wide variety of norms. (To be compared to the user given error tolerance).
  2. Provide a Mesh Density Method for the description of finite element meshes by the values of a few Mesh Description Parameters and a separate Mesh Intensity Parameter. The number, values, and physical significance of the parameters must be established from the given problem (load case) independently of any finite element mesh (apart from any approximations relying on a particular subdivision of the computational domain). The mesh description parameters must further be independent of any error tolerance.
The Mesh Density approach will be described in section gif. For more details see [4], [5], [6], [7], and [8]. It relies on an error estimator for the local error in elements of the finite element mesh. The approach to provide a posteriori local and global error estimation in a wide variety of norms for the finite element method will not be elaborated here. Some progress connected to the NFEARS project is described in the papers [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], and [15]. Any other approach to local a posteriori error estimation in arbitrary norms would be applicable however. For the practical implementation of algorithm 1 the reader is referred to the NFEARS manuals [16] and [17].

The Mesh Density Method for FEM


The density method approach falls naturally in four parts: First a theoretical method is derived to represent meshes, and in particular optimal meshes, by functions called Mesh-Size Functions. Then the optimal mesh-size functions are replaced by density functions having the same functionality, together with the property of being independent of the error tolerance. Then a computational version of the method based on local a posteriori error estimation is given. Finally the recovered mesh-size function is discretized by approximating it with the interpolant from a finite dimensional function space, thus giving a few parameter representation. Here we shall concentrate on the first two issues and only comment briefly on the latter two.

For an n-dimensional computational domain tex2html_wrap_inline2168 , we seek mesh-size functions tex2html_wrap_inline2188 describing a finite element mesh, in the sense that for any point P in tex2html_wrap_inline2168 , an element tex2html_wrap_inline2194 containing P will have approximately the size tex2html_wrap_inline2198 . To simplify the presentation, the treatment will be restricted to two dimensional, square, computational domains tex2html_wrap_inline2168 with meshes tex2html_wrap_inline2202 consisting of square elements tex2html_wrap_inline2204 of side length tex2html_wrap_inline2206 and fixed polynomial degree p. The only meshes allowed are those obtained from a reference mesh consisting of the entire computational domain tex2html_wrap_inline2168 , by iteratively dividing any square element into four equivalent squares. The introduction of shadow nodes allows for local mesh refinement for this particular case. Note however that the density theory applies to much more general cases. The restriction is solely for ease of exposition. The precise formulation for element generation can now be based on element area instead of side length, and we have chosen to construct meshes tex2html_wrap_inline2202 from a single mesh-size function h, based on


To ensure the feasibility of this approach we shall require of h that


In practice we keep on refining until all elements satisfy tex2html_wrap_inline2218 while tex2html_wrap_inline2220 where tex2html_wrap_inline2222 is the parent element consisting of the union of the four elements that were created when tex2html_wrap_inline2204 was created. This approach is consistent with equation (1) asymptotically, with the added assumption that tex2html_wrap_inline2226 as tex2html_wrap_inline2228 . Assuming also that the mesh-size function h is non-negative and smooth in the interior of all possible elements we get from equation (1) that tex2html_wrap_inline2232 for some point tex2html_wrap_inline2234 in tex2html_wrap_inline2204 , stating that since we consider only square elements, there exists a point tex2html_wrap_inline2234 in any element tex2html_wrap_inline2204 such that the side length tex2html_wrap_inline2206 of tex2html_wrap_inline2204 is tex2html_wrap_inline2246 . (The smoothness assumption on h implies that singularities may occur only in points or on edges positioned on fixed element boundaries).

Knowing now how to construct finite element meshes from mesh-size functions, we turn to the problem of constructing optimal meshes, or rather Optimal Mesh-Size Functions leading to optimal meshes. Since optimal meshes has minimal global error for a given number of elements we need a formula for the global error. We shall measure error in the standard Sobolev norms tex2html_wrap_inline2250 . Let tex2html_wrap_inline2252 be the exact solution, tex2html_wrap_inline2254 the finite element approximation on the mesh tex2html_wrap_inline2256 , and tex2html_wrap_inline2258 the approximation error for the problem under consideration. We shall assume that the following local error equations hold:


This error equation is proved for the Lagrange and Taylor interpolation cases in [14]. Here tex2html_wrap_inline2260 is a point value in tex2html_wrap_inline2204 of a known function tex2html_wrap_inline2264 of the tex2html_wrap_inline2266 st derivatives of tex2html_wrap_inline2252 , which will be assumed to exist, be bounded, and be continuous except possibly for a few points and curves in tex2html_wrap_inline2168 . Also tex2html_wrap_inline2272 stands for Higher Order Terms in the element side length. We shall consider only the asymptotical case where N is so large that we can neglect such higher order terms. Now by the addition rules for the Sobolev norms, and the smoothness of tex2html_wrap_inline2264 and h


Up to higher order terms that we are willing to neglect, the optimal mesh with N elements is then described by


The minimization problem (5) is easily solved with Lagrange multiplier techniques, giving


Note that the Mesh Density Function


can be used for the construction of meshes as well as the mesh-size function (using equation (1)), and that it has the required property of being independent of the error tolerance, by being independent of N, the number of elements.

To determine the Optimal Number of Elements necessary to meet a given error tolerance tex2html_wrap_inline2284 , by equation (4) we simply (up to negligible higher order terms) need to solve the minimization problem


The solution is easily seen to be


With the mesh density procedure we obtain the following results with the optimal mesh for the special case considered (neglecting higher order terms):




where tex2html_wrap_inline2286 , and C is the constant appearing in equation (6). Also


where tex2html_wrap_inline2290 is the actual number of elements generated by the mesh construction algorithm, when tex2html_wrap_inline2292 is entered as the wanted number of elements. For the proofs of these results see the literature mentioned at the end of section gif.

Having a local error estimator tex2html_wrap_inline2294 for tex2html_wrap_inline2296 for some known mesh tex2html_wrap_inline2202 , tex2html_wrap_inline2264 can be approximated by a piecewise constant function over the elements in tex2html_wrap_inline2256 using equation (3). This in turns leads to an approximation of the optimal number of elements and the mesh density function. To get a mesh independent representation for the recovered mesh density function, we interpolate this piecewise constant function with a smoother function from a fixed finite dimensional function space. The details are described in the literature mentioned in section gif.

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Foregående: Introduktion til side 9 Op: FAMØSmarts 1996 Næste: Litteratur
Thu Mar 7 23:55:45 MET 1996