En simpel og elegant konstruktion tilskrives canadieren Leo Moser og polakken Hugo Steinhaus. Jeg refererer den her efter Davis/Hersh: ``The Mathematical Experience'' (Birkhäuser,1981).
Man definerer og som x omgivet af x trekanter, . På samme måde er defineret som x omgivet af x firkanter, . En mega er defineret som
Dette tal vil de færreste vel bestride er ``stort''. Jeg overlader ordet til Davis/Hersh:
``Not content to let large enough alone, Moser continued the pattern with hexagons, heptagons, etc.; an n-gon containing the number d is defined as the number d with d -gons around it. The moser is defined as 2 inside a mega-gon.The existence of the moser poses no existential problems for conventional mathematics, yet what else other than the fact that it is a huge power of two, can one really say about it?''.